Another award! Hooray!

I was not nominated for an award, but I decided to join in on this…interesting award thing. Anyone who wants to do it can do it. I found out about it through Andrea’s blog (which is awesome by the way. You should check it out). I have no idea what it is called, and it doesn’t have a picture! Yay! I am using the questions Andrea wrote up.

1. What is your most prized possession? That’s tough. My flute maybe…or my flash drive, since it holds all of my books and pictures. Or my drawing stuff, or the computer (which is the family’s computer, so it isn’t really my possession). I don’t have a  lot of prized possessions.

2. Which genre of music is your favorite to listen to? Another tough one. I like to listen to soundtracks, country, rock, instrumental…yeah that is pretty much what I listen to.

3. Who is your least favorite character in a book/movie/what have you? My least favorite character…the first character that pops into my mind is Jet from Avatar: The Last Airbender x-(. He is really annoying. I also loathe Uther from the tv show Merlin. I know there are a lot of other characters I don’t like, but those two are the only ones that are coming to mind right now.

4. Coffee or cappuccino? Coffee. I love coffee! 😀

5. What’s your favorite accent to listen to? British or Australian accents. I looove those accents!

6. What’s your favorite movie adaptation of a book? That would probably be the Hunger Games or the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

7. Google or Yahoo? Google I guess.

8. Who is your book/movie/TV show character crush? You expect me to name one? Wow…okay, a couple from books. Valek from Poison Study, Will and Horace from Ranger’s Apprentice, Percy from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and a bunch of others. I won’t name movie crushes, because there is an extremely long list. Sorry.

9. What is your opinion of horror movies? I find them stupid, but that is only my opinion.

10. What is your favorite quote?  “This mortal form is growing weak, I need sustenance.”  If you don’t know what that it from, it is from the movie Thor.  I probably got a few words wrong in that quote, but it is pretty much on the same lines. 😛

Okay, I am doing what everyone else has been doing. If you want to receive this award, I nominate you. You are all nominated, now go out and post this award on your blog!

Now I will write some questions. Drum roll please! Kidding.

1. What is your favorite thing to do over the summer?

2. What is your favorite sport?

3. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?

4. Do you like writing or reading better?

5. If  you meet one author, who would it be?

6. Dog, cat, or dragon?

7. What is your favorite instrument?

8. What is your pet peeve?

9. Who is your favorite book/tv show/movie villan?

10. If you could go anywhere, where would it be?


Have fun!


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