An Award and My Favorite Cartoon Guys

First I’ll start with the award.  Of course, all awards come with rules.

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. Thanks Violet Wave!

2. Show the award on your blog.


This award is called the Super Sweet Blogging Award. Yum!

3. Answer the questions (the super sweet questions).

Okay, here we go…


1. Cookies or Cake? Both?

I’ll have to say both. I love cookies, and I love cake.

2. Chocolate or Vanilla?

Chocolate!!!! I love chocolate!

3. Favorite Sweet Treat?

Um…I have too many. *cries* I think I’ll have to go with ice cream though, because I love ice cream so much (especially peanut butter cup ice cream).

4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most?

All the time, especially after I watch cooking shows where they make delicious deserts.

5. Sweet Nick Name?

Do they mean what other people call you? If so, I don’t have any. If there was a sweet nick name I would want, I would pick Skittles. 😀


So that’s all the questions. Next I need to nominate a baker’s dozen (I hope you all know that is thirteen) of bloggers. But, since I just got the award, I’ll do this. If you want the award you can take it. Just pretend I nominated you, okay? If you put it on your own blog you can nominate 13 people of your choice, but since I don’t even have 13 people to nominate, I’ll give it to all those who want it.


Now, on to the next thing. The drawing of the week!!!! This week is a colored pencil drawing of my favorite cartoon guys in chibi form.. Here it is.

Favorite Cartoon Guys

Okay, the paper looks a little weird. *sigh* Anyway, the names are under the people, but in case you guys can’t read, I’ll tell you who they are from left to right. Hayate from Pretear, Sesshomaru from Inuyasha, Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Inuyasha from Inuyasha. Yep, my favorite guys are all pretty grumpy, and Zuko and Inuyasha have awful tempers. Zuko doesn’t like that Inuyasha has a cooler sword than him, and Inuyasha just doesn’t like Zuko (That’s just what I think). I even drew a cricket in the corner over by Hayate because I could imagine them all together, not smiling, and not talking. It would be so quiet that you could hear a cricket chirp (chirp? I don’t know). Inuyasha’s ears gave me trouble. Those ears…

So there you have it folks, the drawing of the week, and an award for you if you want it. Have a nice day (it looks like it is going to rain here, but hopefully where you are it isn’t raining, unless you really need rain).